ConfigCat CLI Reference Documentation

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The ConfigCat CLI allows you to interact with the ConfigCat Management API via the command line. It supports most functionality found on the ConfigCat Dashboard. You can manage ConfigCat resources like Feature Flags, Targeting / Percentage rules, Products, Configs, Environments, and more.


Option Description
--verbose, -v, /v Print detailed execution information
--non-interactive, -ni Turn off progress rendering and interactive features
--version Show version information
-h, /h, --help, -?, /? Show help and usage information


This is the complete list of the available commands provided by the CLI.

configcat setup

Command Description
configcat setup Setup the CLI with Public Management API host and credentials

configcat ls

Command Description
configcat ls List all Product, Config, and Environment IDs

configcat product

Command Description
configcat product Manage Products
configcat product ls List all Products that belongs to the configured user
configcat product create Create a new Product in a specified Organization identified by the --organization-id option
configcat product rm Remove a Product identified by the --product-id option
configcat product update Update a Product identified by the --product-id option

configcat config

Command Description
configcat config Manage Configs
configcat config ls List all Configs that belongs to the configured user
configcat config create Create a new Config in a specified Product identified by the --product-id option
configcat config rm Remove a Config identified by the --config-id option
configcat config update Update a Config identified by the --config-id option

configcat environment

Command Description
configcat environment Manage Environments
configcat environment ls List all Environments that belongs to the configured user
configcat environment create Create a new Environment in a specified Product identified by the --product-id option
configcat environment rm Remove an Environment identified by the --environment-id option
configcat environment update Update environment

configcat flag

Command Description
configcat flag Manage Feature Flags & Settings
configcat flag ls List all Feature Flags & Settings that belongs to the configured user
configcat flag create Create a new Feature Flag or Setting in a specified Config identified by the --config-id option
configcat flag rm Remove a Feature Flag or Setting identified by the --flag-id option
configcat flag update Update a Feature Flag or Setting identified by the --flag-id option
configcat flag attach Attach Tag(s) to a Feature Flag or Setting
configcat flag detach Detach Tag(s) from a Feature Flag or Setting
configcat flag value Manage Feature Flag & Setting values in different Environments
configcat flag value show Show Feature Flag or Setting values, targeting, and percentage rules for each environment
configcat flag value update Update the value of a Feature Flag or Setting
configcat flag targeting Manage targeting rules
configcat flag targeting create Create new targeting rule
configcat flag targeting update Update targeting rule
configcat flag targeting rm Delete targeting rule
configcat flag targeting move Move a targeting rule into a different position
configcat flag percentage Manage percentage rules
configcat flag percentage update Update percentage rules
configcat flag percentage clear Delete all percentage rules

configcat flag-v2

Command Description
configcat flag-v2 Manage V2 Feature Flags & Settings
configcat flag-v2 ls List all Feature Flags & Settings that belongs to the configured user
configcat flag-v2 create Create a new Feature Flag or Setting in a specified Config identified by the --config-id option
configcat flag-v2 rm Remove a Feature Flag or Setting identified by the --flag-id option
configcat flag-v2 update Update a Feature Flag or Setting identified by the --flag-id option
configcat flag-v2 attach Attach Tag(s) to a Feature Flag or Setting
configcat flag-v2 detach Detach Tag(s) from a Feature Flag or Setting
configcat flag-v2 value Manage V2 Feature Flag & Setting default values in different Environments
configcat flag-v2 value show Show Feature Flag or Setting values, targeting, and percentage rules for each environment
configcat flag-v2 value update Update the value of a Feature Flag or Setting
configcat flag-v2 targeting Manage V2 Feature Flag & Setting targeting options
configcat flag-v2 targeting rule Manage targeting rules
configcat flag-v2 targeting rule create Create new targeting rule
configcat flag-v2 targeting rule create user Create user based targeting rule
configcat flag-v2 targeting rule create segment Create segment based targeting rule
configcat flag-v2 targeting rule create prerequisite Create prerequisite flag based targeting rule
configcat flag-v2 targeting rule rm Remove targeting rule
configcat flag-v2 targeting rule move Move targeting rule
configcat flag-v2 targeting rule update-served-value Update a targeting rule's served value
configcat flag-v2 targeting condition Manage conditions
configcat flag-v2 targeting condition add Add new condition
configcat flag-v2 targeting condition add user Add new user based condition
configcat flag-v2 targeting condition add segment Add new segment based condition
configcat flag-v2 targeting condition add prerequisite Add new prerequisite flag based condition
configcat flag-v2 targeting condition rm Remove condition
configcat flag-v2 targeting percentage Manage percentage-only rules
configcat flag-v2 targeting percentage update Update or add the last percentage-only targeting rule
configcat flag-v2 targeting percentage clear Delete the last percentage-only rule
configcat flag-v2 targeting percentage attribute Set the percentage evaluation attribute

configcat segment

Command Description
configcat segment Manage Segments
configcat segment ls List all Segments that belongs to the configured user
configcat segment create Create a new Segment in a specified Product identified by the --product-id option
configcat segment rm Remove a Segment identified by the --segment-id option
configcat segment update Update a Segment identified by the --segment-id option
configcat segment show Show details of a Segment identified by the --segment-id option

configcat permission-group

Command Description
configcat permission-group Manage Permission Groups
configcat permission-group ls List all Permission Groups that manageable by the configured user
configcat permission-group create Create a new Permission Group in a specified Product identified by the --product-id option
configcat permission-group rm Remove a Permission Group identified by the --permission-group-id option
configcat permission-group update Update a Permission Group identified by the --permission-group-id option
configcat permission-group show Show details of a Permission Group identified by the --permission-group-id option
configcat permission-group env Update the environment specific permissions of a Permission Group

configcat member

Command Description
configcat member Manage Members
configcat member lso List all Members that belongs to an Organization
configcat member lsp List all Members that belongs to a Product
configcat member rm Remove Member from an Organization
configcat member invite Invite Member(s) into a Product
configcat member add-permission Add Member to Permission Groups
configcat member rm-permission Remove Member from Permission Groups

configcat tag

Command Description
configcat tag Manage Tags
configcat tag ls List all Tags that belongs to the configured user
configcat tag create Create a new Tag in a specified Product identified by the --product-id option
configcat tag rm Remove a Tag identified by the --tag-id option
configcat tag update Update a Tag identified by the --tag-id option

configcat sdk-key

Command Description
configcat sdk-key List SDK Keys

configcat scan

Command Description
configcat scan Scan files for Feature Flag & Setting usages

configcat config-json

Command Description
configcat config-json Config JSON-related utilities
configcat config-json convert Convert between config JSON versions
configcat config-json get Download a config JSON from the CDN servers.

configcat workspace

Command Description
configcat workspace Manage the CLI workspace. When set, the CLI's interactive mode filters Product and Config selectors by the values set in the workspace
configcat workspace set Set the workspace
configcat workspace clr Clear the workspace
configcat workspace show Show the values saved in the workspace