configcat scan

Scan files for Feature Flag & Setting usages


configcat scan <directory> [options]


configcat scan ./dir -c <config-id> -l 5 --print


Option Description
--config-id, -c ID of the Config to scan against
--line-count, -l Context line count before and after the reference line (min: 1, max: 10)
--print, -p Print found references to output
--upload, -u Upload references to ConfigCat
--repo, -r Repository name. Mandatory for code reference upload
--branch, -b Branch name. When the scanned folder is a Git repo, it's determined automatically, otherwise, it must be set manually
--commit-hash, -cm Commit hash. When the scanned folder is a Git repo, it's determined automatically, otherwise, it must be set manually
--file-url-template, -f Template url used to generate VCS file links. Available template parameters: commitHash, filePath, lineNumber. Example:{commitHash}/{filePath}#L{lineNumber}
--commit-url-template, -ct Template url used to generate VCS commit links. Available template parameters: commitHash. Example:{commitHash}
--runner, -ru Overrides the default ConfigCat CLI {version} executor label on the ConfigCat dashboard
--exclude-flag-keys, -ex Exclude the given Feature Flag keys from scanning. E.g.: -ex flag1 flag2 or -ex 'flag1,flag2'
--alias-patterns, -ap List of custom regex patterns used to search for additional aliases
--usage-patterns, -up List of custom regex patterns that describe additional feature flag key usages
--verbose, -v, /v Print detailed execution information
--non-interactive, -ni Turn off progress rendering and interactive features
-h, /h, --help, -?, /? Show help and usage information


Argument Description
<directory> Directory to scan

Parent Command

Command Description
configcat This is the Command Line Tool of ConfigCat.
ConfigCat is a hosted feature flag service:
For more information, see the documentation here: