configcat flag

Manage Feature Flags & Settings


setting, f, s


configcat flag [command]


Option Description
--verbose, -v, /v Print detailed execution information
--non-interactive, -ni Turn off progress rendering and interactive features
-h, /h, --help, -?, /? Show help and usage information

Parent Command

Command Description
configcat This is the Command Line Tool of ConfigCat.
ConfigCat is a hosted feature flag service:
For more information, see the documentation here:


Command Description
configcat flag ls List all Feature Flags & Settings that belongs to the configured user
configcat flag create Create a new Feature Flag or Setting in a specified Config identified by the --config-id option
configcat flag rm Remove a Feature Flag or Setting identified by the --flag-id option
configcat flag update Update a Feature Flag or Setting identified by the --flag-id option
configcat flag attach Attach Tag(s) to a Feature Flag or Setting
configcat flag detach Detach Tag(s) from a Feature Flag or Setting
configcat flag value Manage Feature Flag & Setting values in different Environments
configcat flag targeting Manage targeting rules
configcat flag percentage Manage percentage rules