configcat permission-group create

Create a new Permission Group in a specified Product identified by the --product-id option




configcat permission-group create [options]


configcat permission-group create -p <product-id> -n Developers --can-view-sdk-key --can-view-product-statistics --default-when-not-set false


Option Description
--product-id, -p ID of the Product where the Permission Group must be created
--name, -n Name of the new Permission Group
--can-manage-members Manage Members and Permission Groups
--can-create-or-update-config Create, edit, and reorder Configs
--can-delete-config Delete Configs
--can-create-or-update-environment Create, edit and reorder Environments
--can-delete-environment Delete Environments
--can-create-or-update-setting Create, rename, reorder Feature Flags and change their description
--can-tag-setting Add, and remove Tags from Feature Flags
--can-delete-setting Delete Feature Flags
--can-create-or-update-tag Create, rename Tags and change their color
--can-delete-tag Delete Tags
--can-manage-webhook Create, update, and delete Webhooks
--can-use-export-import Export (download), and import (upload) Configs, Environments, and Feature Flags
--can-manage-product-preferences Access, and change Product preferences
--can-manage-integrations Connect, and disconnect 3rd party integrations
--can-view-sdk-key View the SDK key, and the code examples
--can-rotate-sdk-key Add, and remove SDK keys
--can-view-product-statistics View the config.json download statistics
--can-view-product-audit-log View the Product level Audit Log about who changed what in the Product
--can-create-or-update-segments Create, and edit Segments
--can-delete-segments Delete Segments
--default-when-not-set, -def Indicates whether each unspecified permission should be enabled or disabled by default
--verbose, -v, /v Print detailed execution information
--non-interactive, -ni Turn off progress rendering and interactive features
-h, /h, --help, -?, /? Show help and usage information

Parent Command

Command Description
configcat permission-group Manage Permission Groups