configcat flag targeting move

Move a targeting rule into a different position




configcat flag targeting move [options]


configcat flag targeting move -i <flag-id> -e <environment-id> --from 0 --to 1


Option Description
--flag-id, -i, --setting-id ID of the Feature Flag or Setting
--environment-id, -e ID of the Environment where the move must be applied
--from The position of the targeting rule to move
--to The desired position of the targeting rule
--reason, -r The reason note for the Audit Log if the Product's 'Config changes require a reason' preference is turned on
--verbose, -v, /v Print detailed execution information
--non-interactive, -ni Turn off progress rendering and interactive features
-h, /h, --help, -?, /? Show help and usage information

Parent Command

Command Description
configcat flag targeting Manage targeting rules