configcat flag-v2 targeting rule create prerequisite

Create prerequisite flag based targeting rule




configcat flag-v2 targeting rule create prerequisite [options]


configcat flag-v2 targeting rule create prerequisite -i <flag-id> -e <environment-id> -c equals -pi <prerequisite-id> -pv true -sv true


Option Description
--flag-id, -i, --setting-id ID of the Feature Flag or Setting
--environment-id, -e ID of the Environment where the rule must be created
--comparator, -c The operator which defines the relation between the evaluated value of the prerequisite flag and the comparison value

Possible values: doesNotEqual, equals
--prerequisite-id, -pi ID of the prerequisite flag that the condition is based on
--prerequisite-value, -pv The evaluated value of the prerequisite flag is compared to. It must respect the prerequisite flag's setting type
--served-value, -sv The value associated with the targeting rule. Leave it empty if the targeting rule has percentage options. It must respect the setting type
-po, --percentage-options Format: <percentage>:<value>, e.g., 30:true 70:false
--verbose, -v, /v Print detailed execution information
--non-interactive, -ni Turn off progress rendering and interactive features
-h, /h, --help, -?, /? Show help and usage information

Parent Command

Command Description
configcat flag-v2 targeting rule create Create new targeting rule