
data class UserCondition(val comparisonAttribute: String, val comparator: Int = -1, val stringValue: String? = null, val doubleValue: Double? = null, val stringArrayValue: Array<String>? = null) : ConditionAccessor(source)

User Condition.


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constructor(comparisonAttribute: String, comparator: Int = -1, stringValue: String? = null, doubleValue: Double? = null, stringArrayValue: Array<String>? = null)


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@SerialName(value = "c")
val comparator: Int

The operator which defines the relation between the comparison attribute and the comparison value.

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@SerialName(value = "a")
val comparisonAttribute: String

The User Object attribute that the condition is based on. Can be "User ID", "Email", "Country" or any custom attribute.

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@SerialName(value = "d")
val doubleValue: Double? = null

The Double value that the attribute is compared or {@code null} if the comparator use a different type.

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open override val prerequisiteFlagCondition: PrerequisiteFlagCondition? = null
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open override val segmentCondition: SegmentCondition? = null
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@SerialName(value = "l")
val stringArrayValue: Array<String>? = null

The String Array value that the attribute is compared or {@code null} if the comparator use a different type.

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@SerialName(value = "s")
val stringValue: String? = null

The String value that the attribute is compared or {@code null} if the comparator use a different type.

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open override val userCondition: UserCondition