
data class Setting(var type: Int = -1, val percentageAttribute: String? = null, val percentageOptions: Array<PercentageOption>? = null, val targetingRules: Array<TargetingRule>? = null, val settingValue: SettingValue, val variationId: String? = null)(source)

Describes a feature flag / setting.


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constructor(type: Int = -1, percentageAttribute: String? = null, percentageOptions: Array<PercentageOption>? = null, targetingRules: Array<TargetingRule>? = null, settingValue: SettingValue, variationId: String? = null)


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@SerialName(value = "a")
val percentageAttribute: String? = null

The User Object attribute which serves as the basis of percentage options evaluation.

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@SerialName(value = "p")
val percentageOptions: Array<PercentageOption>? = null

The list of percentage options.

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@SerialName(value = "v")
val settingValue: SettingValue

The value of the setting.

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@SerialName(value = "r")
val targetingRules: Array<TargetingRule>? = null

The list of targeting rules (where there is a logical OR relation between the items).

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@SerialName(value = "t")
var type: Int

Type of the feature flag / setting.

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@SerialName(value = "i")
val variationId: String? = null

The variation ID of the setting.