Package-level declarations


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data class AutoPollConfiguration(var pollingInterval: Duration = 60.seconds, var maxInitWaitTime: Duration = 5.seconds)

Describes the auto polling configuration.

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Defines levels to control logging verbosity.

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interface ConfigCache

A cache API used to make custom cache implementations.

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interface ConfigCatClient

ConfigCat SDK client.

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Configuration options for ConfigCatClient.

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class ConfigCatUser(val identifier: String, email: String? = null, country: String? = null, custom: Map<String, Any>? = null)

An object containing attributes to properly identify a given user for variation evaluation. Its only mandatory attribute is the identifier.

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Describes the location of your feature flag and setting data within the ConfigCat CDN.

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Additional information about flag evaluation.

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Additional information about flag evaluation.

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class Hooks

Events fired by ConfigCatClient.

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data class LazyLoadConfiguration(var cacheRefreshInterval: Duration = 60.seconds)

Describes the lazy load polling configuration.

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ConfigCache implementation that uses localStorage as persistent storage.

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interface PollingMode

Describes a polling mode configuration.

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ConfigCache implementation that uses SharedPreferences as persistent storage.

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class TypedEvaluationDetails<T>(val key: String, val variationId: String?, val user: ConfigCatUser?, val isDefaultValue: Boolean, val error: String?, val value: T, val fetchTimeUnixMilliseconds: Long, val matchedTargetingRule: TargetingRule?, val matchedPercentageOption: PercentageOption?) : EvaluationDetailsBase

Additional information about flag evaluation.

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class UserDefaultsCache : ConfigCache

ConfigCache implementation that uses NSUserDefaults as persistent storage.


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Creates an auto polling configuration.

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Creates a new or gets an already existing ConfigCatClient for the given sdkKey.

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inline suspend fun <T> ConfigCatClient.getValue(key: String, defaultValue: T, user: ConfigCatUser? = null): T

Gets the value of a feature flag or setting as T identified by the given key.

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inline suspend fun <T> ConfigCatClient.getValueDetails(key: String, defaultValue: T, user: ConfigCatUser? = null): TypedEvaluationDetails<T>

Gets the value and evaluation details of a feature flag or setting identified by the given key.

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Creates a lazy load polling configuration.

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Creates a manual polling configuration.